Basic Level Class

7 Steps to Better couple-photography-class-robert-0-seatPhotography

Only  $125

To See Class Schedule click here or call the studio 870.793.3291

Did you give someone a camera? Purchase a Gift Card! give the gift of knowledge.

Give me just 4 hours of your time and I’ll improve your photography skills beyond what you could have ever imagined.

Robert O. Seat  Professional Photographers of America Mastercraftsman Photographer

This class is designed for photography beginners and photo enthusiasts looking to learn the basics of digital photography, both the art and science of it. During this fast paced 4 hour workshop Robert will share with you a comprehensive overview of the 7 step method for creating amazing images.

  • apetureStep One:  Basic Function of Today’s Modern Digital Camera.  You’ll learn and finally understand your camera whether you have a point & shoot, pro-sumer model or a top of the line professional DSLR.  Making the most of the camera you have
  • Step Two:  The Technical Stuff!  You’ll learn and understand what all those buttons and settings do.  But more importantly you’ll actually learn how to best use them.
  • Step Three:  Image Compositions.  Here’s where you will learn about the  “artsy” stuff and how to give your images more impact with:

Leading Linesrobert-seat-photography-class-bridge

The Rule of 3rds

Symmetrical and “A” Symenetrical

Creating a Center of Interest


  • Step Four:  Lighting Techniques for:

Creating depth and dimension

Enhancing your subjectsphotography-class-portrait-robert-seat


  • Step Five:  Make Your Subjects Look Their Best  with:

lens perspective  photography-class-child-robert-seat



Use of props


  • Step Six:  Little Things that make it Artwork



Telling a Storyphotography-class-robert-seat-family

  •  Step Seven:  Enjoying Your Images   Creative options, after you take the shot.

 Click Here to REGISTER NOW!



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